Writings: Culture

Arqueología Védica

Jun 11 2019 - Article
La mayoría de los Vaisnavas al referirse a Krishna, hablan de su aparición hace 5000 años, acreditando generalmente a la civilización Védica y al Vaisnavismo con gran antigüedad. Pero, ¿qué prueba consistente y empírica tenemos para esa afirmación? » more

Tad Visnoh Paramam Padam

Mar 28 2012 - Krishna Talk 139
We are under the watchful eye of the Supreme at all times – therefore there is no need for fear. » more

Satkona - Star of David or Star of Goloka?

Feb 6 2009 - Krishna Talk 84
The Star of David [in Hebrew, the Magen David or Shield of David] is renowned as the sacred symbol of the Jewish faith. Indeed, the Star of David is the distinguishing feature on the Israeli flag and as an ornament of jewelry the Star of David is proudly worn by millions of devout Jews worldwide.... » more

The Worship of Sri-Murti and Idolatry

The Worship of Sri-Murti and Idolatry
Oct 6 2008 - Krishna Talk 83
There is a great misunderstanding in the secular and religious world and especially within the Abrahamic traditions, (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) on the question of Deity worship. The English word 'idol' is usually used when describing any worship that concentrates on likenesses of demons,... » more

Yoga Vicar (Czech)

In this book, Swami B.G. Narasingha, based upon the Vedic version and his own unique experiences as a bhakti-yogi spanning almost six decades, cuts through the superficial hype and monistic misconceptions that surround yoga today. He brings us back to the basic understanding of what yoga truly is... » more

Bhagavad Gita (Russian)

Bhagavad Gita (Russian)
The Bhagavad-gita is the key philosophical scripture that delineates the esoteric principles of bhakti-yoga. Within this conversation between Bhagavan Sri Krsna and His devotee Arjuna, lies the answers to the most fundamental questions of life and a clear explanation of the devotional process which... » more

Evolution of Theism (Hindi)

Gosai Publishers has published Evolution of Theism in Hindi, which delineates the progressive evolution of theistic thought starting from Lord Buddha and Adi Sankara to the great Vaisnava acaryas Ramanuja and Madhva, culminating in the appearance of Sri Caitanyadeva and His philosophy of acintya-... » more

Yoga Vicar (Russian)

In this book, Swami B.G. Narasingha, based upon the Vedic version and his own unique experiences as a bhakti-yogi spanning almost six decades, cuts through the superficial hype and monistic misconceptions that surround yoga today. He brings us back to the basic understanding of what yoga truly is... » more

When Wise Men Speak Wise Men Listen (Czech)

When Wise Men Speak Wise Men Listen (Czech)
In the articles presented in this book, Swami B. G. Narasingha writes on a variety of topics from the Vedic viewpoint in particular from the theological perspective of Gaudiya Vaishavism, the philosophical school founded by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in the 15th Century. Among the subjects covered in... » more

When Wise Men Speak Wise Men Listen

When Wise Men Speak Wise Men Listen
In the articles presented in this book, Swami B. G. Narasingha writes on a variety of topics from the Vedic viewpoint in particular from the theological perspective of Gaudiya Vaishavism, the philosophical school founded by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in the 15th Century. Among the subjects covered in... » more

Vedic Science & History

Vedic Science & History
Almost everyone, including scientists, religionists and philosophers, are apparently in pursuit of truth. Yet, what is truth and how do we find it? Scientists have complete confidence in the scientific process, yet, we see that the latest theories are eventually replaced by more advanced theories.... » more

Yoga Vichar

Yoga Vichar
In this book, Swami B.G. Narasingha, based upon the Vedic version and his own unique experiences as a bhakti-yogi spanning almost six decades, cuts through the superficial hype and monistic misconceptions that surround yoga today. He brings us back to the basic understanding of what yoga truly is... » more

Holy Faces of India

Whenever one visits a temple in India, it is common to see the foreheads of devotees and priests adorned with markings that are commonly known as tilaka. When the British first arrived in the subcontinent they unwittingly assumed these signs to be 'caste marks' or signs that indicated the wearers'... » more

Science of the Sacred

"Science of the Sacred" is a must read for those interested in knowing about India's unique and interesting achievements in the scientific field. This publication provides a foundation for expanding our awareness of the reality around us, beyond modern scientific theories, to those grounded in the... » more

Kumbha Mela - The Worlds Largest Act of Faith

Once every twelve years, Jupiter enters Aries, and the sun simultaneously enters Capricorn. According to the Vedas, this astral conjunction provides a prime opportunity for spiritual enlightenment. To celebrate this event, millions gather on the banks of the Ganges, creating the world's largest act... » more