Writings: Articles

Physics to Metaphysics

Date Unknown - Article
Following the transition from Newtonian classical physics to quantum mechanics, several scientists have explored the possibility of a connection between physics and transcendence. » more

Assuming Responsibility of Being Guru

Date Unknown - Article
We have taken upon ourselves the responsibility of welcoming this grave charge. All the audience have accepted ordinary seats, I alone have been provided with a lofty seat. All are being told in effect - "Do have a look at a big animal from the Zoo-gardens. What arrogance! So foolish! So wicked!... » more

Brahma's Illusion

Date Unknown - Article
In many places in Srimad-Bhagavatam,we find Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, being tested by Krsna. And still, Brahma is our gurudeva.He is the original guruof our line. That he could become bewildered is so perplexing and difficult to understand that Madhvacarya eliminated that section... » more


Date Unknown - Article
The Sanskrit word arati literally means "before night." Ratri (night) when prefaced with the letter a indicates dusk. The waving of the lamp before the Deity thus implies the dispelling of the night of our material sojourn with the light of devotion through which God is revealed. » more

OM - La combinación suprema de letras que emanan de la flauta de Krsna

Date Unknown - Article
Om, la combinación suprema de letras indica las Entidades Supremas, Sri Radha Krsna e indica la cima de la tendencia espiritual inherente a todas las almas (jiva). » more

A Few Glimpses of the Lotus Feet of Srila Prabhupada

Date Unknown - Article
Once Srila (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura) Prabhupada was viewing the Deities of Sri-Sri Guru Gauranga-Gandharvika-Giridhari at the Sri Caitanya Math, standing on the front porch of the temple. The door of that temple is not very wide and Srila Prabhupada did not have his glasses on. » more

Sri Gayatri Mantrartha Dipika - Illuminations on the Essential Meaning of Gayatri

Date Unknown - Article
In the Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya, the gayatri which the guru (bona fide spiritual master) gives to the sadhaka (devotee) at the time of diksa (initiation) is that of the Vedic diksa (upanayana) and also that of the Vaisnava pancaratrika-diksa. » more

Hinduism and Krsna Consciousness

Date Unknown - Article
There is a misconception that the Krsna consciousness movement represents Hinduism. Krsna consciousness is in no way a faith or religion that seeks to defeat other faiths or religions. Rather, it is an essential cultural movement for the entire human society and does not consider any particular... » more

Vedic Discoveries

Date Unknown - Article
The Greeks identified Krsna with Herakles and Sankarsana with Dionysos, and it is no wonder that they were favourably inclined to their worship. The Besnagar inscription describes the Greek ambassador Heliodorus as a Bhagavata who dedicated a Garuda banner to Lord Vasudeva. » more

The Prediction of Thakura Vrndavana Dasa

Gaudiya Magazine Editors
Date Unknown - Article
An extract from an article entitled "The Full Moon of the Advent of Lord Gauranga" from The Harmonist, Vol. 15 1935. This essay mentions the prediction of Srila Vrndavana Dasa Thakura in Sri Caitanya-bhagavata about the discovery of Mayapura. » more

Has Modern Science Failed Us?

Date Unknown - Article
It is often found that scientists are not unbiased in their search for the truth, giving preference to evidence which supports their desired thesis and unscientifically rejecting alternative theories as unsuitable without proper consideration. » more

Katha Kali and Sacred Dance

Date Unknown - Article
As far as historical records show, dance in India has always been associated with spirituality and the pulsating rhythm of cosmic life. Indians have always held dance as sacred and have practiced it as a means of entering into divine consciousness. » more

Abandon Unhealthy Mentalities

Date Unknown - Article
A Vaishnava is fearless in all circumstances because he knows that Krishna will always protect him. Yet, if we examine the mood of the great souls, the sadhus and the acharyas, we can detect that a Vaishnava is fearful of only one thing ­­ vaishnava-aparadha. » more

OM - The Supreme Combination of Letters Emanating from the Flute of Sri Krsna

Date Unknown - Article
Om, the supreme combination of letters denotes the Supreme Entities Sri Radha Krishna and indicates the acme of spiritual tendency inherent in all jiva souls. » more

Faith Is Our Real Wealth

Date Unknown - Article
Why does our consciousness come down to this plane? Why doesn't it have a higher conception of higher spiritual existence. Instead our attention is drawn to some material thing on the mundane plane. We think that some medicine, or some intoxication can help us. » more

Fall of Kala Krsnadasa - A Commentary on Philosophical Misconceptions

Date Unknown - Article
In Our Original Position, the deviation of Kala Krsnadasa is stated in chapter twelve as factual and inescapable evidence that the jiva soul falls down from the eternal lila » more

Navadvipa Dhama and Devotion Proper

Date Unknown - Article
We should try to become more acquainted with the realistic view of Nabadwip. There are so many divisions in this Nabadwip Dham: mainly nine. It is mentioned that they represent the nine sections of devotion. » more

The Topography of Sridhama Mayapura

Gaudiya Magazine Editors
Date Unknown - Article
An article from The Harmonist 1931 which gives additional evidence pointing to the birth site of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. » more


Date Unknown - Article
There are no movie theaters in the town of Guruvayur. No liquor stores. No night clubs. And no meat is eaten there. Guruvayur is a holy city where people come to make spiritual advancement. In fact, the atmosphere of devotion which pervades Guruvayur is so sublime and charming that one easily... » more

The process for carrying out Srila Prabhupada's desires for future initiations

Mar 1 1978 - Article
In May 1977 His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada felt that his days in this material world were almost at an end. He traveled to Vrndavana and asked that his leading disciples come and join him. Specifically, he called for the members of the Governing Body Commission, who manage... » more

The Pontifical Position of Madhavendra Puri

Jan 1 1936 - Article
Sri Madhavendra Puri is the sprout of the great tree of devotional love represented in the world by Sri Chaitanya Deva. Sri Madhavendra Puri comes from the line of Sri Madhva, the acarya of the pure Dwaita (dualistic) philosophy. It is well known to a student of religious literature that puree... » more

The Forgetfulness of The Humanists

Sep 19 1934 - Article
The Fountainhead of all eternal and temporal manifestations is confined in Sri Krsna alone. The non-absolute phases are emanations from a particular potency whose analytical distributions are known as gunas or qualities. In the factor of time, they are branched as past, present and future and... » more

Adbhuta Mandira Report from the Gaudiya - March 20, 1934

Gaudiya Magazine Editors
Mar 20 1934 - Article
Fulfillment of Bhaktivinoda's instruction and desire » more

Adbhuta Mandira Report from the Gaudiya - March 9, 1934

Gaudiya Magazine Editors
Mar 9 1934 - Article
New Temple opened as reported in the Navadvipa-dhama Pracarini Sabha. » more

Thakura Bhaktivinoda

Dec 1 1931 - Article
We avail of the opportunity offered by the Anniversary Celebrations of the advent of Thakura Bhaktivinoda to reflect on the right method of obtaining those benefits that have been made accessible to humanity by the grace of this great devotee of Krsna. Thakura Bhaktivinoda has been specifically... » more